Woman writing in a planner on a white desk


The MAP Process

There’s a reason all the planning methods, time management, and productivity hacks aren’t working for you.

Discover the key piece you’re missing to help you get back on track with your to-do list and goals when your week doesn’t go as planned.

20 minutes that could change how you plan your week and your goals for good!

In this free video training you will learn:

  • Why traditional time blocking doesn’t work (and what to do instead).

  • The biggest reason you have so many half-done tasks and a million tabs open in your brain.

  • The missing piece that the productivity and planning experts don’t teach.

  • What to do when your day (or week) gets blown up and your perfectly color-coded plan gets thrown out the window.

Laptop in coffeeshop mockup of MAP Process

BONUS! This free training includes a 50% discount code for my fan-favorite planning course “Theme Day Planning Method”.

Cara Chace smiling with laptop wearing a black blazer

I am proof that you can build a successful business while still prioritizing yourself, your family, and any other love that lights you up.

*no endless hustle or working nights & weekends required

When I started my business in 2015, I had ZERO clue how to run a business with a little kiddo at home and no one telling me where I had to be when.

Because they don’t teach time management in school.

So I started learning. Then I started tweaking. Then I created what worked for me.

And after 8 years, I’ve realized the key to continuing to move forward and meet your goals is something other than what’s taught in all the productivity courses out there.

Because your life evolves, priorities change, and all it takes is one client emergency or sick kiddo at home to blow up that perfect plan.

In this free 20-minute training I share what that missing piece is and how it’ll change your productivity and planning forever.

Are you a people-pleaser, subject to shiny-object-syndrome, or consider yourself “scatter-brained”?

My approach to planning and productivity works especially well for people who are constantly distracted by their own brains and others’ needs. That’s me too — and I’ll teach you how to calm your thoughts about your to-do list and goals, and be mindful and intentional with how you spend your time and energy going forward.

Cara Chace Boss Mug Photo

Hey there, I’m Cara!

I work with high-achieving women who need help with the hair-pulling frustration of trying to find harmony between work goals and showing up for themselves and their families.

I don’t fit the mold of “business” or “life” coach — because I believe both are essential to a happy, successful life.